Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cities within 50 miles of a river and lake

There are, in total 663 cities within 50 miles of a lake and river in the United states. In this map you can notice that most of these cities are around the great lakes and there is not many in the center of our country.
There are though, many positives and negative to living so close to a river or lake.

In this video, Incredible by any measure...the Great Lakes, it is discussed all the good that comes from the great lakes. The natural resources, how our 5 Great Lakes make up 1/5th of the worlds water and it is the biggest fresh water source on the planet. along with this they're are many different terrains that come with living this close as well, such as beaches, which are some of the best on the planet, there are also sand dunes.

Along with all the good that comes there are some bad as well.
The great lakes water levels are becoming too high which is causing damage to the lake shores. Some cities are building sea walls, piers and other things to stop the water, the water damage is inevitable.

1 comment:

  1. The main thing is that you video is not set properly. The map is good but it is missing some elements. Organize you text so the map isn't first. Have some kind of introduction.


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