Monday, December 12, 2016

Choosing Your Home Setting is a Life-Style

Urban vs. Rural

-A rural setting is essentially one that is based off natural resources and community events. Most rural areas have small or no town/city centers, and relay on few stores or local businesses for the needs for the surrounding populations. In most rural areas, one will find miles of open land, few homes, and other small commercial buildings. It is not uncommon for the population to harvest or grow their own foods or resources. Rural settings may also have particular Farming corporations that other residents will purchase their
goods from. Residents are either close knit, or barely
know one another.

- An urban setting is more densely populated, and will have more people per square mile. The atmosphere is a very busy, more fast pace of life. People tend to associate with those living around them, and will spend their time in downtown entertainment areas.  It is based off of heavy commercial advertising, business,  technology, public transportation, and industry. The living style is crowded, and homes are very close together. Interstates, skyscrapers, monuments, and bridges are the structures that dominated an urban setting. You will find some parks, but no open fields of land, and very little undeveloped areas.
                                                      Are People Happy Living In an Urban Area or Rural Area?

             This map displays the major urban areas of The United States where most of the population resides. About 80 percent of the population lives in urban areas, however 72 percent of the nations land is rural. You can see by looking at this map that the heavily overlapping black dotted areas are urban areas, which seem to have the most cluster of interstates. The Eastern United States seems to be more urbanized than  the West. This map also shows how there is lots of open space throughout the country compared to the selected urban areas. 

                                   Difference Between Urban Area and Rural Area.

In the United States a rural area is classified as a town or area with about 1,000 people per 2.6 square miles with an outer population of 500 people per 2.6 square miles. An urban will have more people per square mile with cities having about 100,000 people to 1 million or over, and surrounding suburbs having 20,000-50,000 people that create a metro area of a major city. While many different types of wildlife dominate rural areas because of the lack of people and buildings, urban areas have a low capacity of wildlife and nature. Instead one will find parks, and protected forests with few animals. Usually these areas will be constantly infested by city dwellers looking to be around a little bit of nature. In the city, more emergency services are found, however there is more crime to be found. In a rural area there tends to be less criminal activity but access to emergency services such as police, and hospitals are limited. Residents may have to drive far to get to these services as there is little to no public transportation. Public transportation is popular among urban areas. Not only does it bring the city money, it serves the residents of bringing them from one place to another rather than having to use their own vehicles. For rural dwellers they are free from traffic jams, and overcrowded interstates, however they are forced to always use their own vehicles wherever they have to travel because of lack of other transportation services. Urban areas can be appealing for all the amenities it offers, but when it comes down to cost, an urban setting is usually more costly to live in than a rural setting. In a rural setting a person is more likely to get a home with more land for less money because it is near less amenities or attractions. When it comes to urban and rural setting to live in, a person is typically choosing their life style for most of their lives. 




  1. Great content and organized well. You have a lot of good information. The map needs a little work. We talked about it during the lab. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  2. Space the blog elements out a little. They are a little crowded.


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