Friday, December 16, 2016

A lot of people think that the only earthquake activity we as U.S citizens have to worry about is on the west coast but that’s not true. This map focuses on the seismic activity around the U.S but specifically in Massachusetts.  The map shows that there were around 13 separate seismic events from 1627 to 1990 but 7 of these 13 earthquakes came from 1800 to 1990 showing a slight increase in the rate.

These earthquakes on the east coast should be paid attention to more because of how our environment is changing everyday but it’s not paramount to address it yet. In all of these seismic events there’s been no casualties and very minimal property damage.
The magnitudes of the tremors have been fairly weak as well. The highest magnitude an earthquake reached in the Massachusetts area was a 3.9 in 1963. A 3.9 ranks only in the 2nd tier of earthquake magnitudes which cause minimal damage.

1 comment:

  1. Good maps, especially the second one, but center them and add another media, you could use photos, videos, etc. - Joe O.


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