Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Farms in the Greater Boston Area are Affected By Question 3

Farms in the Greater Boston Are Affected by Question 3

This years ballot contained four questions that would be approved or defeated. Question 3 particularly was about prohibiting certain methods of farm animal containment. 

Areas affected by this law would be places near the city or more populated areas.   

This map shows where there are farms in the Boston area. These areas would be affected by this law because they don't have a lot of room to store their animals to begin with. There are a lot more roads, houses, people, buildings, and cars in these places so there is not a lot of room to create a farm with a lot of room for animals. 

This law ended up being passed so now some farms in this area are definitely affected by it. 
Farms out west in Massachusetts and in the United States in general have lots of room to let their cattle and animals rest and live through their lives comfortably. Even though the cities are going to be affected with this law, farms with mass amount of animals for food or breeding will be affected too.

This law took place because people who were breeding Pigs, calves, and hens for the food they produce were being contained in small cages. These confined spaces kept the animals from lying down, standing up, and fully extending its limbs and that is just what "confined" is stood for in the law. The law will have an exception of temporary holding sells for transportation. 

This map shows the results from the ballot by towns. 22% people were against the law while 77% were for it. Most of Massachusetts were for the restrictions of animal containment.  

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