Friday, December 16, 2016

Volcanos In The United States

Volcanos In The United States
Not Everyone knows exactly just what a volcano is. A volcano is a mountain that has a hole in it. This hole goes down to beneath Earths surface and has molten rock, or magma, underneath. This molten rock and gas can erupt and cause serious damage. Once the molten rock reaches the outside it is considered lava. That is what causes the damage. (
Volcanos in the United States are on the western side. Most of them are in California, Oregon, and Washington. However, they do spread into Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Where we live on the eastern side, it is important to be aware of the United States as whole. If you were to visit these areas, it would be helpful to know where any volcanos are and if they are known as active volcanos or not.

Depending on several aspects, a volcano can flow several miles causing damage along the way. This is important to know because, as showed in my map, there are several cities near these volcanos. In Queensland, Australia, the lava flow reached 100 miles. It is important to know whether a volcano is active or not to make sure you are cautions in these areas. (

Overall, many people do not pay much attention to volcanos. However, there are several reasons why we should pay attention to them. Although they may not be near where we live, here on the eastern coast, they are in the United States and places we may visit. Knowledge about volcanos is very beneficial. If you want to know more about volcanos, visit..

BY: Chyenne Jackson

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