Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Where Millennials are Living

As a Communications major going into marketing, all anyone is talking about is how to target millennials. Also known as Generation Y, as of 2017 we outspend the baby boomers. The bad news for our consumerist economy is that corporations don't fully understand us yet. I made a map detailing where millennials are living to point out a few trends (that should be very obvious by this point). Our generation is, for the most part very liberal. They are motivated to follow a great job, and if they can't they opt to live at home. Saving money or getting a great deal is important for them, especially at this point in their lives, whether it's on something small like a snack or something major like housing. 


Corporations are so desperate to understand their consumers that a new job has arisen because of it. This is unrelated but I think it's awesome some people are actually professional generational consultants.


1 comment:

  1. On the right track. What you want to do is add some other media like visual, video etc. The map itself needs a little work. You want to remove the elements that don't have to do with this post, rivers and roads. Make the map itself larger. It should not be dwarfed by the legend. You could try doing in landscape format.


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