Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cities Within 50 Miles of a Lake

Lakes Near You!

People who do no live on the coast miss out on one of Earths natural entertainment. The "Land locked" citizens of America have a couple options. Pools are always a good choice but require lots of time and money to maintain. Water parks are also good but are expensive and unsanitary, plus people tend to go the bathroom in those pools. Lakes on the other hand are free, clean, and require no work at all!

Image result for lakes amd dock

Lakes offer Just as much fun as the ocean does. Fishing, boating, swimming, and going to the beach are all available options at a lake near you. If you're scared of sharks or whales or any sea monster, you don't have to worry at a lake!

Image result for lake with a private beachImage result for lake with a private beach

As you can see from the map, lakes are located throughout the country. Just because you don't see one near you, doesn't mean all hope is lost. Next time you are planning a family trip, consider finding a lake near you. Or if you have some extra pocket change kicking around, owning property on a lake is always a good get away spot.


1 comment:

  1. Good overall. Work on the spacing between things and get rid of all the extra blank space in the end. Increase the size of the map. Make the font uniform. The map is missing element(s).


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